Sunday, September 27, 2009

Study, swim and………. Fall out of a raft.

Freshman swimmer Kallie Smith is already leading raft trips with L&C’s College Outdoors program. With an Alaskan’s flair for adventure and the outdoors, she guides other fearless students on Oregon’s Deschutes River. And sometimes falls in. Our thanks to Kallie for supplying these photos and for coming back to us in one piece!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Early morning, good cause, cool shirts!

Last weekend the swim team volunteered as course marshals for Portland’s Susan G. Komen for the Cure. For the fourth year in a row, the roadblocks were guarded and the race course made safe by our fine young men and women in what has become a September team tradition.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Beach Trip!

Note their excitement over getting to pet the cows at Noah’s house!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

PIO FAIR 2009 !

Last Friday campus bloomed with annual autumn Pio Fair festivities. Greek food this year, dozens of campus clubs prospecting for new members and a football field full of games and inflatable bounce areas.

Many of our varsity sports teams put on activities for students and families. Since no one would let us dig a trench in the field to have swimming races (did anyone see that Myth Busters with Nathan Adrian?) the team decided the only reasonable option was a water balloon toss. This did not disappoint. People who were exceptionally drenched in this game: Dinari Foreman (Associate Men’s Basketball Coach), Shawna Feldt (Head Softball Coach), our own Matt Yelin, and so many more…

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Team Welcome BBQ and then down to the business of education

Sunday the team threw its annual welcome barbecue to bring everyone together for the first time this school year. Arms linked in a circle, important details were shared like names and hometowns, favorite events and favorite kinds of chairs. Hammocks, recliners, and beanbag chairs led the way, showing our swimmers know what they want when it comes to the business of sitting.

Monday rolled in this week and our student-athletes arose from those favorite chairs and jumped into the fall term. About fourteen swimmers descended on J.R. Howard Hall for a study session on the first night of the school year. One rookie surprised me by saying later, “That was great, we need to have more of those!” There were pairs working on French and on German. Some diving into reading assignments and you can see Matt, the team’s resident engineer, working an equation that covers the entire white board.