On Tuesday, November 9th, the Pios participated in the Ted Mullin “Leave it in the Pool Hour of Power Relay.” We raced a continuous relay for one hour at the same time as over 6,000 swimmers on more than 130 college and club teams around the country. The relay is in honor of a Carlton swimmer who passed away from sarcoma.

The “Leave it in the Pool Relay” joins together swimmers in solidarity as they race together, rather than against. Not only did our athletes race continuous relay 50s for an hour, but they also worked together to keep all five relay teams on the same leg of the relay by switching strokes to maintain an all-out effort and still stay with their teammates. Pretty awesome!

I’ve not seem a team more connected, fired-up, and passionate than ours was throughout this spectacular hour. Check out footage of the last lap of this year’s relay!