We’ve past the ¼ marker on our season and time has flown by. Midterms are also in the rearview for most of our swimmers.
So far we have seen MANY great workouts. Sunny September and part of October made for great outside dryland on the field and in the stadium. Med balls have flown and tubing has stretched. More than a few stairs have been hopped, jumped and run.

In the water, the team is powering through great workouts and swimming fast already.

Fast swimming is always fun, but we make room for other kinds of fun, as well...
Synchronized swimming showcase over Fall Break.

The surprise appearance of boxes of VooDoo at a Saturday workout and partner relays for teambuilding and coordination.
We even took time out from training one afternoon to enjoy a surprise fire alarm.

Last weekend after our football team moved to 5-0 on the season, River had this to say: "That may have been the best football game I've been to... and I've been in the pep band since 8th grade!" Pep, indeed!

Campus is alive and buzzing with sports victories and busy academic schedules. The pool is filled each day with energetic and engaged teammates working and laughing together. This week is Homecoming and we look forward to Saturday’s Alumni Meet!